Daily Learning - Day 15
Date: 6th February 2017
Below are the topics i learnt today..
Topic 1: Inspecting the Web Page
By Installing the Browsers on your machine and accessing the Web Developer Tools via F12 - or Settings/Tools -> Developer Tools.
The below mail snippet is from Amazon.in and It is Promotion Email of Store-News.
For Amazon.in Company Logo, It shows Alt Text="Amazon.ca"
And when Logo is selected, it will redirect to "amazon.in" website.
Like Wise, For Amazon.in Company Logo, It shows Alt Text = "Junglee.com"
And when Logo is selected, it will redirect to "amazon.in" website.
Lesson Learnt: Alt Texts should indicate the image correctly.
Topic 2: Analyse your Server HTTP Headers
There is a web application developed by Scott Helme, "SecurityHeaders.io"
Where we enter the Website Name and Scan it.
This Provides information of Security Headers used in the site with a Ranking and Details of Security Headers.
If you are considering to have security on your website. This is very important to test your site first.