Daily Learning - Day 14

Date: 5th February 2017

Below are the topics i learnt today..

Topic 1: Weekend Testing

Again, This weekend we had Weekend Testing India Session.

Mission: U
nderstand how the website works, in terms of the features and functionality.
Today's Session was on "Learning the Product: Track the Flights"
And Prepare a report of your understanding at the end of one hour.

I have used this Website earlier, I think it was searching a flight route from USA to India, during the Airplanes are crashed by Missiles.

My Report:

For  the Last Weekend Testing Session, I have used Mind Mapping Tool. For this session, I have used new tool - Concept of SketchNotes.

Tool: SketchBoard  - https://sketchboard.io/

(Click on Image to Enlarged Image)

This Might be a Bug on the application. The Flight has Mode of Operation only on Tuesday but it was still travelling yesterday.
Benefits: It records the Flight Travel Path and Get to know complete details of Flight, Tracking Live, Aircraft etc.

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