Daily Learning - Day 13

Date: 4th February 2017

Topic: Tools Used in Testing Web Applications - 1

This is first part of the Topic on Tools used in testing web applications.

Photo Credits: www.simpleprogrammer.com

  1. Bug Tracking:  Eventum, JIRA
  2. Test Case Management:  MS Excel
  3. Task Management: Trello , KanbanFlow, MS Excel
  4. Collaboration Software: Confluence,MS Excel
  5. Website Redirect & HTTP Headers: Redirects Checker
  6. Google Analytics Analyzer: Google Chrome Add-on Tag Assistant, Google Analytics Debugger
  7. SSL/TLS Certification Checker: Symantec SSL Checker, SSL Shopper Checker, Qualys SSL Server Test
  8. Broken Links Checker: My Links
  9. Developer Tools: Browser Developer Tools, FireBug, Chris pederick Web Developer
  10. Screen Capture: qSnap, Jing, Awesome Screenshot, Screencastify, Snipping Tool
  11. Responsive Design Testing:  Responsinator, Troy Responsinator
  12. API Functional Testing:  SoapUI OpenSource, PostMan
  13. Code Viewer: JSON Viewer
  14. Fonts Identify: WhatFont
  15. Performance Testing: BlazeMeter Recorder, Page Speed Insights, YSlow, GTMetrix
  16. Print Friendly:  CleanPrint
  17. Save for Later:  Pocket, Basket

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