Daily Learning - Day 19

Date: 16th February 2017

Below are the topics i learnt today..

Topic 1: Read about Yahoo's Another Security Breach 

This week, Yahoo sent another wave of emails to users warning their accounts may have been breached as recently as last year. A flaw in Yahoo's mail service could have allowed a hacker to use a forged "cookie" created by software stolen from within Yahoo's systems to access accounts without a password.

Read  more:  http://www.wired.co.uk/article/yahoo-verizon-deal

Topic 2: Fiddler Exercise on Composer Tab

Using Fiddler Composer Option to Drag and Drop the session from view panel 

  • Delete the Cookie and Execute the POST Method
-- Test:  Whether you can still access application or not.
Expected: It should send 302 Error and Session Expiry.

  • Copy the Cookie 1 to the Cookie 2 and Execute the GET Method
-- Test: whether you can still access application or not.
Expected: It should session expire and application should not be accessed via Cookie 1.

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