STICK for Testers: For Testing Image Upload Functionality.

Here is a STICK for Testers. STICK means "Software Testing Checklist".

  1. Check for uploaded image path.
  2. Check if there is a upload and Cancel Buttons are there and working properly.
  3. Check the image upload functionality with image files of different extensions (JPEG, PNG, BMP etc.).
  4. Check image upload functionality with image filename having space or any other allowed special character.
  5. Check image upload with image size greater than the max allowed size. Proper error message should be displayed.
  6. Try to upload the image file with Zero Bytes. Proper error message should be displayed.
  7. Try to upload the image file with image size less than the max allowed size. Proper error message should be displayed.
  8. Try to upload the image file with exact size that was specified.
  9. Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (e.g. txt, doc, pdf, exe etc.). Proper error message should be displayed.
  10. Check if images of specified height and width (if defined) are accepted otherwise reject the images and should show proper error messages.
  11. Image upload progress bar should appear while uploading for large size images.
  12. Check if cancel button functionality is working in between upload process.
  13. Check multiple images upload functionality.
  14. Check image quality after upload. Image quality size (@AjayBalamuragadas) should not be changed after upload (should not be shrinked / cropped).
  15. Check if user is able to view the uploaded images.
  16. Check if the image is converted from other formats (doc/pdf to jpeg/png) and can be uploaded.
  17. Check if the image file gets uploaded if it has more than one extension (filename.jpg.png).
  18. Check whether the file name of the image in the file uploader gets enabled to edit.
  19. Check if image uploader expands/shrinks when the Image file name is small or large.
  20. Check whether the image uploaded can be Deleted or not.

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