Web Application Security - 2018

Subject: Web Application Security


  1. OWASP - #4: Insecure Cryptographic Storage
    • When you register a user, find out how the passwords are stored in application.
    • If it is Plain text, then it is leads to security vulnerability.
    • Passwords should never be stored in unencrypted format: plain text on server.
    • Better way is to store using one-way cryptographic hash of user's password.
    • While logging to the application, Password is computed with hash function and compares the hashed password with stored hash password. If both matches, Login is granted.
    • Benefits: Only one-way hash, cannot compute the string from hash.
    • Hash Functions: SHA-1 , SHA-512 etc.
    • More better way to secure is: Adding Salt (Random text) to the password, before computing the hash function. This maximizes the password cryptography.
    • Without Salt, when user creates a password as "Hello" and another user creates the same password as "Hello". When they are computed through Hash function. Both Hashed Passwords will be same.
    • Reference: Web Application Security - What Testers can do.
  2. OWASP - #5: Failure to Restrict URL Access
    • Keep unauthorized users out of access of modules from UI Navigation and By URL.

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