Daily Learning - Day 04
Date: 07th January 2017
Below are the topics i learnt today..
Topic 1: Rule 1- Make Fewer HTTP Requests
Topic 2: Listening to a Podcast - The Testing Show: New Year’s TesterLutions
Below are the topics i learnt today..
Topic 1: Rule 1- Make Fewer HTTP Requests
- Learning about Individual Images on Webpage using Web Developer Tools
- New: Image Map using HTML Elements (DIV/Span)
- Use of Image Map , how HTTP Requests can be reduced instead of Individual Images on Webpage
- New: CSS Sprites using HTML Elements
- Use of CSS Sprites , how HTTP Requests can be reduced instead of Individual Images on Webpage
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Image Map and CSS Sprites
- Image Map - http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp
- CSS Sprite - http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp
Topic 2: Listening to a Podcast - The Testing Show: New Year’s TesterLutions