[Part-2] Configuring the Postman Collection with Newman Dependencies
In previous blog post, we have exported Postman Collection, which includes our set of requests and tests.
Part-1 Link: https://testingeduindia.blogspot.com/2020/07/running-postman-collections-through.html
Now, we will navigate to the folder where Postman Collection is saved via command line and create a node project.
Command: npm init
Part-1 Link: https://testingeduindia.blogspot.com/2020/07/running-postman-collections-through.html
Now, we will navigate to the folder where Postman Collection is saved via command line and create a node project.
Command: npm init
PS: After need to manually press Enter Key on the keyboard, to get information.
This will create package.json
Adding Newman Dependency to Package.json
Command: npm install newman -save
Fixing the Severity Vulnerabilities.
This will add "node_modules" folder. We can remove that.
From Package.json, we will remove key-value pairs "main", "license", "homepage"
Note: I have renamed, scripts - "tests" to scripts - "api-tests"
api-tests: newman run APITesting.postman_collection.json
Save the package.json
Package.json : includes information about how to run the tests and any related dependencies for their execution. (Here: newman)
Postman Collection: contains the API requests and tests we wrote in Postman and exported as Collection.
Postman Collection: contains the API requests and tests we wrote in Postman and exported as Collection.