Daily Learning - Day 37

Date: 26th March 2017

Below are the topics i learnt today..

Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning

Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Tables

Today's learning is about:
  1. HTML Tables
  2. Different types of Table Elements: <table> , <thead>, <tfoot> , <tbody>
  3. Different types of Table Data Elements: <th> for <thead> , <td> for <tbody> and <tfoot>, <tr> - table row
  4. HTML Table Attributes

  • Border="5" - to display borders for the table & cells.
  • Align = "Center" - to align the table and cell in the webpage
  • Width= "50%" - to display the table upto 50% of webpage screen size : But in responsive, the text columns width changes.
  • Fixed Width:  Width="250px" or Width="300em" - In responsive, also the text columns width does not change.
  • colspan = "3" - Column Spanning for 3 Columns
  • rowspan ="2" - Row Spanning for 2 rows.

  • Caption : Caption for the table
  • Summary = Summary of the table
  • CellSpacing = Spacing between the Cells 
  • CellPading =  Cell Spacing between the text in the cell and cell border.


Lesson Learnt:

Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors And change the code as suggested.

Topic 2: Security:  Aviation Phishing Scam

Travelling with US Airlines? Read about the Aviation Phishing Scam.

PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills

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