Daily Learning - Day 34

Date: 19th March 2017

Below are the topics i learnt today..

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Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Lists

Today's learning is about:

  1. HTML Lists: Unordered List - Disc, Square, Circle
  2. HTML Lists: Ordered List - Alpha, Roman
  3. HTML Lists: Definition List - Definition Text, Definition Definition.
  4. Ordered List and Unordered List with Class - CSS Styles
  5. Ordered List with Start and Value Attributes.

Lesson Learnt:
Earlier, we were able to use ordered list or unordered list with type attribute to define the list. 

Now, Using CSS - We should define the list type.

Exercise O/P:

Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors.

PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills

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