Daily Learning - Day 30

Date: 12th March 2017

Below are the topics i learnt today..

Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning

Topic 1: Java Fundamentals

Few days back, read that in Every Agile Delivery Team, Testers should have below Skills.

  1. Testing knowledge and experience
  2. Automation knowledge and experience
  3. Agile knowledge and experience
  4. Domain knowledge
  5. People skills
  6. Growth mindset

To start with Automation Knowledge, I need to know the programming first.

So, Started with Java Fundamentals. As I feel, i am not much knowledgeable in Programming.

Below are the Topics , I did a Jump Start.

PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills - http://testingeduindia.blogspot.in/p/skills.html 

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