
Showing posts from March, 2017

Daily Learning - Day 37

Date: 26th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Tables Today's learning is about: HTML Tables Different types of Table Elements: <table> , <thead>, <tfoot> , <tbody> Different types of Table Data Elements: <th> for <thead> , <td> for <tbody> and <tfoot>, <tr> - table row HTML Table Attributes Border="5" - to display borders for the table & cells. Align = "Center" - to align the table and cell in the webpage Width= "50%" - to display the table upto 50% of webpage screen size : But in responsive, the text columns width changes. Fixed Width:  Width="250px" or Width="300em" - In responsive, also the text columns width does not change. colspan = "3" - Column Spanning for 3 Columns rowspan ="2" - Row Spanning for 2 rows. ...

Daily Learning - Day 36

Date: 22th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Links Today's learning is about: Link Targets Linking Attributes based on Named Targets Linking Attributes based on ID Linking Targets with absolute url and relative url Title attribute can be used to display as "Mouse Hover Text" Other attributes for Linking: Language=en, Content-Type=text/html,Relationship=prev. Exercise: <p> See the <a href ="# Terminology ">terminilogy</a> section below for more details </p> <a title ="technical terms"> <h3 id ="Terminology"> Terminology</h3> <li> <a href="./Content/TextElements.html #deepLink "> Text Elements  </a> </li> <a name="DeepLink" title="Deep Link" > <h1 id="deepLink" >Deep Link</h1> ...

Daily Learning - Day 35

Date: 20th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Links Today's learning is about: HTML Links HTML Links: Types of Links Absolute Links - Creating a Folder and Targeting the Link Absolute to Folder HTML Relative Links to Other Documents Source and Target in Links Exercise: Linking the Text Elements, Lists to Absolute Links for Documents inside the Folder Path Exercise: Linking the Superscript Text: 1, 2 to Outside URL's Lesson Learnt: When inputing the text for Relative Path as ".\Content\TextElements.html" W3C Validator says: Error - Backslash ("\") used as path segment delimiter. To Solve this, we can use - ForwardSlash "/", instead of Backslash "\"  Practice: Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors. PS: Follow the Progress ...

Daily Learning - Day 34

Date: 19th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - HTML Lists Today's learning is about: HTML Lists: Unordered List - Disc, Square, Circle HTML Lists: Ordered List - Alpha, Roman HTML Lists: Definition List - Definition Text, Definition Definition. Ordered List and Unordered List with Class - CSS Styles Ordered List with Start and Value Attributes. References: Attribute Ordered List Start Attribute Attribute List Value Lesson Learnt: Earlier, we were able to use ordered list or unordered list with type attribute to define the list.  Now, Using CSS - We should define the list type. Exercise O/P: Practice: Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors. PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills  

Daily Learning - Day 33

Date: 18th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - 1 Today's learning is about: HTML Elements: White Spacing HTML Elements:  Superscript , Subscript HTML Elements:  Citation, BlockQuote HTML Elements:  Acronym, Abbreviation HTML Elements:  em , Strong  Lesson Learnt: Verify if the HTML Elements are supported by HTML Version or not. Example: The <acronym> tag is not supported in HTML5 . Practice: Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors. PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills  

Daily Learning - Day 32

Date: 16th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals - 1 Today's learning is about: HTML Elements: Head , Body, HTML Attributes: id, class Script and Styles in HTML HTML Headings Block and InLine Elements Tags: Span, Line Break, Horizontal Line, Pre - wrap text Character Entities: &lt; , &gt; &nbsp; References:  Inside P Tag, we cannot have nested Div Tag Practice: Always copy and paste the code in Validator and check for errors. PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills  

Daily Learning - Day 31

Date: 15th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: HTML Fundamentals Today's learning is about: Who invented Internet Who created World Wide Web What is HTML What is HTTP How HTML Document transfers to WWW Structure of HTML Anatomy of HTML Document What is HTML Doctype Why do we need to use HTML Doctype in HTML Document How to Validate HTML Document References:  HTML Doctype: Validate HTML Document: Exercise: Copy the HTML Document code and Paste it in the Validator. Observe, if your Website following all standards and displaying No Errors ? If any Errors/Warnings:  It will display as Below. PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills  

Daily Learning - Day 30

Date: 12th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1:  Java Fundamentals Few days back, read that in Every Agile Delivery Team, Testers should have below Skills. Testing knowledge and experience Automation knowledge and experience Agile knowledge and experience Domain knowledge People skills Growth mindset To start with Automation Knowledge, I need to know the programming first. So, Started with Java Fundamentals. As I feel, i am not much knowledgeable in Programming. Below are the Topics , I did a Jump Start . PS: Follow the Progress over here on Skills -  

Daily Learning - Day 29

Date: 4th March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: Security - Multi-Factor Authentication  Multi-factor authentication  ( MFA ) is a method of  computer access control  in which a  user  is granted access only after successfully presenting several separate pieces of evidence to an  authentication  mechanism – typically at least two of the following categories: knowledge (something they know), possession (something they have), and inherence (something they are). Two-factor authentication  (also known as  2FA ) is a method of confirming a user's claimed identity by utilizing a combination of  two  different components. Two-factor authentication is a type of multi-factor authentication. Reference:  Real Example: We login to Gmail or Box, if 2FA is enabled for your account. Aft...

Daily Learning - Day 28

Date: 3rd March 2017 Below are the topics i learnt today.. Follow Hashtag: #SKC100DaysofLearning Topic 1: Security - Passwords Hard to Remember? As there are many systems, and we may choose similar/same passwords to most of them. Do you know whether, your user credentials have been in any breach? There is a Web Service created by Troy hunt. Note: This is an educational site. Go to the URL and enter your email address. Have I been pwned ? allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email addresses has been compromised. , often with the same passwords which then put the victims at further risk of their other accounts being compromised. Lesson: Never Choose same passwords for multiple accounts. Noting the passwords on Online Docs is also not secure. Possible way: Instead of Passwords, Note the Hints. Hint Like: Smith  Smith is well known word, But it is hard to know the password - whether it would be ...