Adobe Shuts Down BrowserLab on March 13, 2013

Adobe launched BrowserLab – A Free service based software for testing web content across desktop browsers and platforms.

Due to the intent growth in mobiles, tablets in portrait and landscape: Focussing on new challenges with new solutions, Adobe has to shut down their BrowserLab service immediately.
If you need to test across multiple desktop browsers: Adobe recommends to check – BrowserStack and Sauce Labs*.

Sauce Labs welcoming BrowserLab users with special offers:

1) 10 hours (600 minutes) of free manual testing time (with no expiration) for up to two concurrent open browsers.
2) Once you’ve used those 600 minutes, your account will revert to a free account which includes 30 minutes per month of free manual browser testing.
3) This limited time offer will remain valid for 30 days from March 13, 2013.
If you need to test mobile web projects, check – Adobe Edge Inspect , which we can work on computer to remotely control and debug the web pages on the mobile devices.

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Quote of the day:
"Your life is perfect. It is a perfect plan and it is a spontaneous miracle. It is both every moment."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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