7 things - What Leadership Really Matters.. (Part 2)
Let’s start with a simple question: What do you want to be in your Life? Many people will be having dreams of some day they will be a good teacher, a writer, a programmer, a magician, an officer, an expert, an entrepreneur. Like everyone I wanted myself to be a Leader in the field, I do my job from my job. There is a common mistake to think Leader with Manager. A Leader can be a manager but being a manager does not mean you are a leader. Have you thought: How do you get there? Do you set yourself a goal to complete it? If yes, then that doesn’t get you job done. I usually read lots of books on Leadership and Psychology, which are my non-technical favourite topics. The following are things I learnt while studying my bachelor’s. Honesty. Passion. Humility. Communication. Be Open, Straight and Genuine. Stop Procrastination. Be Happy and Help Others. That’s it. Seven pretty simple things and you’ve got a changed life. None of these steps is imposs...