
Showing posts from 2015

Are you Interviewing Testers ?

Are you recruiting or interviewing testers? - Then hear is my little experience shared. I usually get mails to take interviews for my team. Due some constraints like More focused on Work (or) its on Automation testing. I dont want to be a Fake interviewer asking which i dont know (nor) i din't have thinking energy to ask questions. I never look from where the interview candidate came from (Location / Reference), as its biasing objects. Recently, I had an interview scheduled. Usually, when any candidate attends - I hear the same answers: "I have brushed up the concepts two days, I have went for training XXX at Bangalore, I heard it but i dont remember" Yes, we all forget the definitions . We never use them while testing the real-time applications.  My Thoughts to take Interview is: Give a Web Application or Mobile Application or Web App to test for 30 mins  and Find out the Issues or Bugs or Questions. This is what candidate needs to do , when selected....

Elements of Software Testing

Create by QualiTest Group

Web Performance

I started researching a new topic each day towards my learning goal. Below are the topics learnt from Apr 30 - May 9. (This series will be updated for every 10 days) 1. Why designs impacts Performance 2. How page load impacts page ranking in search engine. 3. How page load time impacts performance. 4. latency vs Bandwidth. 5. How Mobile network effects performance. 6. How Mobile network communication happens. 7. Remember Me feature will have expiry date. 8. External third party apps (js files) should be async. As it decreases page load time time. 9. What is DNS Lookup 10. How does content load from server to webpage 11. Connections between Web page and server. 12. What is SSL Negotiations. 13. Page Weight - How to calculate. 14. Web Accessibility  15. How to make USA Websites Accessibility # SECTION508 Complaince.  16. The U.S. Access Board - Rules http://www. access-board.go...

Mobile Navigation Options

While testing mobile apps/website/responsive website - I observed Mobile Navigation Options. Most of the time, i used to call as "Menus". Until recently,i dint know those are named differently. Thanks to   Luke Wroblewski for sharing the below details. 1. Hamburger Menu Ref: Smashing Magazine 2. Kebab Menu 3. Bento Menu 4. Meatballs Menu 5. Doner Menu PS: I will update, as i learn more on Mobile Navigations.

Even if i use Internet Explorer 11 - Why does the document mode change to IE 8?

I had a new learning from the question, i had faced earlier. Even if i use Internet Explorer 11 - Why does the document mode change to IE 8? Every Web page, starts with head tag in html code. < html > < head > <!-- Mimic Internet Explorer 8 --> < title > My Web Page </ title > < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=EmulateIE8" /> </ head > < body > < p > Content goes here. </ p > </ body > </ html > By default, in the code - the content tag is " IE=EmulateIE8" This means, even if the higher versions of Internet Explorer is used, the web browser forces to use as Internet Explorer 8. For the web page t o work Correctly, Change the content tag to "IE=edge". Edge mode tells Internet Explorer to display content in the highest mode available. With Internet Explorer 9, this is equivalent to IE9 mode. If a...

How to make your webpage faster ?

When you visit the webpage on your browser, Open Developer Tools of your browser. In the Developer Tools -> Network Tab ->  Point 1:  Check which resources are taking long time Then, In the Developer Tools -> Sources Tab ->  Point 2: Check, if  JavaScript is before the CSS file in the Folder Structure If yes, then move the CSS Files above the JavaScript in the Folder Structure. Then, In the Developer Tools -> Sources Tab -> Point 3:   To render JavaScript file render faster, Add - async to <Script> tag. 

Showing Password to users is incorrect

We have seen many websites have a Reset Password for a username. Two Scenarios: One: Password is sent as a plain text. Note: Don't Send Passwords in the plain text. Example: Here, displays password in the email. Issue: Dont neglect this security issue ! You might be noticing your own website one day in the  Two:  Reset link will be sent to the websites  When a Reset Link is clicked - It redirect to reset password page. Example: Here is the Yahoo - Reset Password page It shows "Show Password" - Check box - Selected by default. Now, Un-check the check box selected and Type the Password in the text box area. Bug: We don't expect to see the password shown while typing, but it displays the password. PS: Please let me know, if any questions.

Difference between Issue and Bug

I am inspired by a foreign programmer ( /) - who has started this program - Not So Stupid Question Series. Today, I start with Questions: I have raised or got by/to fellow testers/friends in Software Industry. Not so Stupid Questions 1 - Difference between Issue and Bug I have listened to this many of the times, programmers/testers use the terms without knowingly, the meaning of it and when to use them. This got me thinking to write about it. Courtesy: Courtesy: Bolton - EuroStar Conference 2014 There are many definitions, on the internet. But from the day i started my career as testing - I have been following these definitions. Bug:  The problem in the product/feature you developed bugs me -  ( Me a.k.a  - first user to use before the customer ). Its due to  error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or product.  The term - Bug  is often used by internal people in ...

A survey on “State of Testing 2015” - Participate and Share

Joel Montvelisky  who is a co-founder of PractiTest, is going to launch again a Survey program on the “ State of Testing 2015 " after "State of Testing 2013" A Testing Survey, WHY? If you are curious to learn more about testing? Be a part of this survey program conducted in association by Tea Time with Testers and QA Intelligence. This survey program  will allow us to see not only a snapshot of our professional testing reality but also the trends in the field as they keep shifting year by year. Please tell to other testers about it and get them participate with  with the #qasurvey hashtag "Knowledge is Power - Francis Bacon"   See the results from  State of Testing Survey 2013

Again..New "Mission of The Year" 2015

And It's End Year 2014 - After mission of the year was set: "Explore" ... There were few mistakes made by me. I dint trust myself to get back. I thought i should share a word for my new  Mission  to reach my  VISION  in a good direction. My " Mission for The Year " to make a best year 2015 is:  Hopefully,  2015 is going to be the best year BackTrack: 2014 - Mission: Explore