Java Fundamentals
Allow nothing or no one to slow your pace or affect your energy; stay consistently flowing , forever growing. Subject: Java Fundamentals Topics: Arithmetic Operators Basic Operators: + - * / % Prefix/Post fix Operators: ++ -- Compound/Assignment Operators: += -= /= *= %= Basic Operators Example: public class BasicOperators { public static void main(String[] args) { /** * Floating Point Examples */ //Addition of two variables float valAddA = 1.0f; float valAddB = 2.0f; System.out.println("valAddA + valAddB: " + (valAddA + valAddB)); //Subtraction of two variables float valSubA = 5.0f; float valSubB = 4.0f; System.out.println("valSubA - valSubB: " + (valSubA - valSubB)); //Multiplication of two...