Bug Reporting on 'Bug Zilla'
Bug Reporting is very important for testers. To Track, Manage the bugs,
BugZilla is popular, web-based bug reporting testing tool.
BugZilla is popular, web-based bug reporting testing tool.
When i first looked into it, i got to know its an Open source from Mozilla. I have seen many organizations adopted the BugZilla as a bug tracking tool for their projects.
Current Version: Bugzilla 4.4.2 - This shows, how much it evolved since its inception year 1998.
I have used only two tools for reporting the bugs: Microsoft Excel and Eventum.
So, I thought, i should try how it works.
Landfill is home of test installations, to try out Bugzilla online.
Online documentation from Bugzilla helps to learn how to explore.
Thanks for Terry Weissman - Original Inventor of BugZilla.