Becoming Tech Awareness: Learning Python and Github

One of my recent goals to learn a new programming language other than Java (I am not proficient in Java, but I failed to learn it multiple times)
For this challenge I chose "Python", as Multi-Dynamic Programming Language.

I thought of starting to read and learn from the books. But I felt Udemy provides Basic Knowledge, which it help me proceed with doing the Kick Start on Python and then get on to books for In Depth Knowledge.

Course #1:
I did Python Programming course from "Test Automation University"
This course motivated me to learn and practice more on "Python"
I did this course in the month of April.

May???... yeah! - I did some another learning, I will post in another blogpost 😀

Course #2: 
I have chosen "Python 3.8 for beginners 2020" Udemy Course
I did this course in the month of June.

During this process, I learnt commit and Push the code to Github frequently.

All my code which I have done, are on Github:

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