Testing Tools: Screencapture the Webpage

I mostly use "Jing" for a screen capture of the visible part of the page.

For a Particular test, I had to take full screenshot of a page.

I have searched for google chrome extensions which can help me in taking the screen capture of Entire page.

Found Two Chrome Extensions:
1. Nimbus Screenshot
2. Full Page Screen Capture

I have used both the chrome extensions on https://testautomationu.applitools.com/ website.

Full page Screenshot has captured Entire page in a go and saved in .png format.
Size of the File: 1,639Kb.

Nimbus Screenshot has captured Entire page in a go and saved in .png format.
Size of the File: 1,632kb

There is very less difference in file size between the two screenshots.

But still, I have a problem here.

Both screenshot capture chrome extensions did not capture the contents inside the <div> element.

Dear Testers,
Do you experience a similar kind of problem in the workplace? 

How would you take the screenshot of the Entire Page including the contents of <div> or <iframe> elements?

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