
Showing posts from October, 2018

Define What API testing is, Share your definition

Yet Another Challenge! Ministry of Testing got us 30 days Testing Challenge. This time topic is on API Testing. Challenge Link:    It has been long time I have worked on API Testing, after learning from API Testing Dojo (year 2015). The First One in the list is:  Day 1: Define What API testing is, Share your definition 

Testing Tools: Problem Steps Recorder

Problem Steps Recorder: I have heard about this application in the session by James Bach on Exploratory Testing. To start up Problem Steps Recorder type in “psr.exe” (no quotes) into the Start menu Search box. Start the recording as you progress the steps in the application. In windows 10, It is called as Step Recorder. Benefits: It records everything including the steps performed and click actions along with screenshots.You can additionally add the comments (Additional information) for the steps performed.