
Showing posts from April, 2018

Comparing two text or excel files

TestingDriveThru: Challenge from last week and How I dealt with it. Challenge: Comparing two text or excel files Initially, the challenge does look like simpler to read.  But the challenging part is to Comparing Huge File which contains records more than 100k. I was advised to use Araxis Merge. It is a Desktop App. It has 30-day trial version and Commercial Version.  This is very simple tool. Easy to install in few steps. Tool is self-explanatory. We just need to explore the options to try out. When we Open the desktop the Araxis Merge. We see two split windows, to compare two files. Note: We can compare 3 files also. We can drag and drop the files into Text Comparison 1 and Text Comparison 2 Araxis Automatically compares the files. The Non-Matching text will be highlighted between two files. We can generate the report of comparison. By clicking on the Report Option. And it generates...

Count No.of Commas in excel column values

TestingDriveThru: Challenge from last week and How I dealt with it. Challenge: Count No.of Commas in excel column values Initially, the challenge does look like simpler. But the challenging part is to count commas if the column values contains more than 500+ commas. So, I have used excel formula: Which can calculate no. of commas in the column value. Excel Formula:  =LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))