
Showing posts from 2016

What is done in month of November 2016 ?

This Post remarks the progress and tasks done in the month of November 2016. Career Life: The two below courses are done during the course of month. Lesson Learned: 1. Apache Solr course was done to understand the basics of the Solr Core. 2. Building Career Plan course was done to motivate myself in learning. Topic Type Course Course From Course Status Apache Solr Getting Started with Enterprise Search Using Apache Solr - Xavier Morera PluralSight Completed Career Planning Building and Managing Your Career Plan - Jason Alba PluralSight Completed Work Life: Work increased at office for Project Delivery, sometimes working day and night. Lessons Learned: 1. Working with team members of testing team. 2. Giving a ownership for each member and Everyone in team is important. 3.  All tasks are distributed equally and rotated for every iteration of work - So No One Man Army Concept. New Concept Introduced: The #FiveHourRule introduced to few team members as a intro...

Where was I these days? #SKCLife

It's been almost a year, i was out of blog writing. This blog post is an update of "where am I these days?" Work Life Year started with Fast-Paced Product Testing and working with a team of 5 members. And Working towards the MVP. Benefits: Learning about myself, Test Planning & Strategies, patience to explain others, dedicating time to spend mentoring others, Demo based Presentations from Team members to Understand the Knowledge & Abilities. Career/Learning Life A Lot of Learning happened and happening.This Started due to a Fear Started in Life. "What am i doing in Career Life" .. "What do i want to become" New Learning's at Work: Apache Solr for Ecommerce Search SQL Knowledge on Practice First Time Hands on Apache Solr Core  First Time Hands on Postman First Time Hands on Piwik Analytics. Swim or Sink - Leadership Program [In Progress] New Learning's at Personal: Introduction to Browser Security Headers...