
Showing posts from March, 2015

Even if i use Internet Explorer 11 - Why does the document mode change to IE 8?

I had a new learning from the question, i had faced earlier. Even if i use Internet Explorer 11 - Why does the document mode change to IE 8? Every Web page, starts with head tag in html code. < html > < head > <!-- Mimic Internet Explorer 8 --> < title > My Web Page </ title > < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=EmulateIE8" /> </ head > < body > < p > Content goes here. </ p > </ body > </ html > By default, in the code - the content tag is " IE=EmulateIE8" This means, even if the higher versions of Internet Explorer is used, the web browser forces to use as Internet Explorer 8. For the web page t o work Correctly, Change the content tag to "IE=edge". Edge mode tells Internet Explorer to display content in the highest mode available. With Internet Explorer 9, this is equivalent to IE9 mode. If a...