Journey as Technical Tester

I am following the path of my career guiders (Mentors), its a challenge for me as i have not done this before. But i like to do because, i learn new things by research.

"Research makes me to learn better"

In the first step, i need to install : Php, Apache HTTP Server, My SQL on my system.

Instead of the same procedure, I wanted to follow different path. I reminded of my college friend ( Krishna Teja ), who inspires me to do in different way.

He is currently doing a framework - Packet code using Php. Although, i tests his applications during my available time, which makes me to learn new things.

Packet Code: An initiative to support programmers.

He guided me to go for "WAMP Server" - WampServer is a web development platform on Windows allowing you to create dynamic web applications with Apache2, PHP and MySQL.


WAMP Server: Created by Romain Bourdon and maintained by Herve Leclerc

WAMPServer 2 includes:-  

1. Wamp Server 2.4
2. Apache : 2.4.4
3. My SQL : 5.6.12
4. PHP: 5.4.12
5. PHPMyAdmin: 4.0.4
6. SqlBuddy : 1.3.3
7. XDebug: 2.23

Coding Editor: Notepad++ or Sublime Text.

Woah! .. I have done with my environment preparation....

Let's see - what goes next !

Self Start is the spark .. That ignites the engine of progress in the journey of life."

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