Search with Special Characters : 502 Server Error ?
I’ve been a bit busy lately with work and Weekend Testing, Learning new concepts and trying to learn more. Hence the lack of updates on my blog. Recently, I had a conversation with testers on twitter: Searching with Special characters shows 502 error is it fine ? #testingerrors — Srinivas Kadiyala (@srinivasskc) November 26, 2013 @srinivasskc That's Bad Gateway (#502). It is not fine and it needs to be handled by server side to avoid that message to be shown to user. — Santhosh Tuppad (@santhoshst) November 26, 2013 @srinivasskc You should also investigate the logs at server side if possible. It can reveal, that problem is worse than just stupid err msg — Teemu Vesala (@teemuvesala) November 26, 2013 @teemuvesala How can we check the logs at server side? — Srinivas Kadiyala (@srinivasskc) November 26, 2013 @srinivasskc Ask from sysadmin if you can get access to error log. Send the special chars, see the last lines investigate what errors are....